Forecast: What´s the weather like in Spain in March 2017?

Costa Blanca weather for March 2017
Average weather, temperatures and more.
We´ve compiled the latest data from leading weather website Holiday Weather to bring you an overview of what you can expect if you´re living in Spain, or planning a visit here in the month of March.
Average weather conditions predict that March is a very dry month, with a median of just 4 days experiencing some rain. Temperatures are only marginally higher than February, but the increase becomes much more noticeable as the month progresses and most days start to exceed the monthly average on a regular basis.
Only a couple of days in to March so far, and the difference is certainly very marked this year with the
Costa Blanca already experiencing spring-like conditions and temperatures exceeding the monthly average both day and night. The first day of March recorded a high temperature of 23°c yesterday afternoon and an overnight low of just 12°c.
And that great weather comes with plenty of sunshine too. With crystal-clear pure blue skies for the last two days the Torrevieja area has enjoyed an unfeterred 12 hours of pure sunshine daily, despite the average prediction of 7 hours of sunny weather per day.
Of course, you will still need a light jacket if you want to enjoy evenings out at local bars, bistros and restaurants; but temperate and dry daytime conditions still make the Orihuela Costa an excellent choice of winter sun destination.
At the beginning of March, the sun rises a little after 7:30am and it sets just before 7:00pm (CET), meaning that the average Spanish day starts and finishes somewhat later than at more distant northern latitudes.
You can find the full
weather forecast and average weather data for this part of the south Costa Blanca in Spain from the Holiday Weather website by clicking here.