Adres: Calle Alhambra 18 · 03189 Orihuela Costa · Maandag - Vrijdag 9:00 - 16:00
Superb location and potential for this spacious commercial premises for sale adjacent to the renowned Villamartin Plaza and in a high quality residential area. The premises offer excellent foot traffic from both permanent residents and holidaymakers and boasts excellent trading potential for a wide range of business possibilities. The unit itself offers 90m² of space divided into shop front with large counter, storage room, kitchenette, 2 bathrooms (male and female) and office space. Sold as seen and can be converted to a wide range of business uses, including the perfect location for a restaurant, takeaway or food establishment. Extras include large counter, shelving, 2 air conditioning units and a large safe. Easily visible and extensive shop frontage with stairs and ramped access. Location offers easy parking for potential clients and staff, as well as the aforementioned ample foot traffic. Contact Inmo Investments today for a viewing.
Deze informatie is hier onderhevig aan fouten en maakt geen deel uit van een contract. De aanbieding kan zonder kennisgeving worden gewijzigd of ingetrokken. Prijzen zijn exclusief aankoopkosten.
Calle Alhambra 18 · 03189 Orihuela Costa · Maandag - Vrijdag 9:00 - 16:00
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