Nyproduktion » Villa » BAÑOS Y MENDIGO &raq
Inmo Investments

BAÑOS Y MENDIGO · Altaona golf and country village Villa · Nyproduktion


BAÑOS Y MENDIGO · Altaona golf and country village Villa · Nyproduktion

  • 164m2
  • 572m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • Ja


Sovrum 4
Badrum 3
Byggd 164m2
Tomt 572m2
Slå samman Ja
Avstånd till strand 25000 Mts.
private pool
Double Bedrooms: 4
Near Golf / Golf Resort Property
Near Schools
Air Conditioning: Pre-Installed
Number of Parking Spaces: 1
Useable Build Space: 140 Msq.
Location: Mountain, Urbanisation
Terrace: 80 Msq.
Beach: 25000 Meters




Shelley Starkey


Telefon (+34) 966 919 917

E-post shelley@inmoinvestments.com

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